Tutor Recognition Awards

Tutor Recognition Awards

The awards were first presented in 2022.  They are made annually to recognise tutors who contribute significantly to their U3As, particularly in the following areas:

  • Innovation in the development and presentation of courses; particularly new courses

  • Excellence in course conduct and presentation

  • Highly positive feedback from course attendees, and

  • Mentoring other tutors.

Nominations for 2025 now open!

Click the links to access the Nomination Pack and Nomination Form.

As part of the nomination process, you will be asked to set out what the nominee has done and why you think they should be recognised.  Every nomination is different so there is no single way to approach this.  Just tell us what you think is particularly noteworthy about your nominee’s service and achievements as a tutor.

You can include things like:

  • Examples of how they have demonstrated outstanding qualities,

  • What they have done to make things better for others,

  • The role(s) or area(s) in which they have excelled.

The maximum word limit for the application is 200 words. This is your opportunity to highlight why you think this tutor deserves this recognition.

For information about prior years’ recipients, please click on the links below:

A selection committee will make the award selection and advise Network Committee of their recommendations for final approval. Successful nominees will be announced at the U3A Network AGM each year.

For further information on the award, email John Taubman, Chair of the Tutor Recognition Award Selection Panel.