Stay active physically, mentally and socially.


Group of friends hiking and looking at a map.

U3A Network Victoria is the peak body for the University of the Third Age (U3A), providing resources, training and support to U3As and their 38,000-plus members as part of a global movement that educates, entertains and engages older people in their ‘third age’ of life.


From dancing to woodwork, languages to mahjong, a U3A membership is a low-cost way to stay active, pursue your passion, find new interests and, most importantly, have fun and make friends. U3As keep your brains stimulated, improve your fitness and increase social activity.

Hear from our members

“Since retiring U3A has connected me to like-minded members who have become friends and allowed me to pursue my passions in art appreciation, history and social activities. Can highly recommend for those looking to make new friends post retirement.”

sharon carter

“I discovered my local U3A a couple of years ago and find that I have something interesting or healthy or socially to do almost every day of the week. I am now even on the committee! U3A is a wonderful community resource that offers stimulating classes, talks and discussions, movie afternoons, music in peoples homes, poetry and language learning; health promoting activities like Tai Chi, exercise classes, bike riding, walking, dog walking; social activities such as coffee mornings and lunches. I recommend anyone to join their local U3A!”

heather potter

“Love U3A. Classes are the occasion to enjoy getting together with interesting like-minded people and exercising the grey matter.”

simone graham

U3A Network Victoria News

Composers, their Lives, Times & Music

Composers, their Lives, Times & Music

Simone Graham from U3A Kyneton is offering her course – Composers, their Lives, Times and Music – to members of other U3As in 2025. 

This course covers five centuries of the history of music, beginning with the 15th Century Renaissance period. It aims to satisfy the classical music lover’s curiosity about what was happening in the world at the time of some of the greatest composers, their life stories, and of course some of their compositions.

Old English

Old English

Wangaratta U3A is opening their online course on Old English, to members of other U3As.

Not only is Old English the ancestor of the language we now speak, but it is of critical importance in the history of Germanic and world languages by preserving one of the richest bodies of vernacular literature in poetry and prose in the Early Middle Ages. It includes some works, such as Beowulf, that are touchstones of world literature.

The Universe and Life

The Universe and Life

This course will discuss what modern science tells us about nature that is very small (subatomic particles), very big (the universe) and in-between (life).