2024 State Conference Sponsors & Partners



Benetas will be at the 2024 State Conference Expo with information about Aged Care and what is on offer. Find out more about Benetas Aged Care services.


Officeworks offers to Member U3As to be part of the U3A Buying Group for better deals on office equipment.

Click here to find out more information about this.


Sage Travel

Sage Travel has many travel options for the next upcoming travel experience.


U3A Australia

U3A Network Victoria is a member of U3A Australia and supports work undertaken by U3As across Australia.

U3A Australia Chair, Glen Wall, will be speaking at the 2024 State Conference.


NBN, in conjunction with U3A Network Victoria and U3A Australia, provide monthly sessions on cyber security and IT issues to the U3A audience.

RMIT University

RMIT University partners with U3A Network Victoria and with man Victorian U3As directly, particularly focussing on research into marketing and digital engagement.


City of Melbourne

Proudly partnering with U3A Network Victoria & U3A Melbourne City for the 2024 State Conference.



Melbourne City Baths

Proudly partnering with U3A Network Victoria & U3A Melbourne City for the 2024 State Conference.