Distance Courses Program


Distance Courses Program

U3As can open their online courses to members of other U3As at no (or minimal) cost. These Distance Courses and Presentations are listed on the U3A Network website at https://u3avictoria.org.au/online-courses.

Course Coordinators can advertise those courses to their members as a way of providing additional courses and presentations. For example, a U3A with no science course might advertise any Distance Courses about science to their members. Those members then gather to watch the science presentations together and discuss them afterwards. This is one way to bring additional courses to your U3A. Distance courses are also a way for isolated members to participate in courses from their homes, and for members with special interests to be able to find people who share their special interest.

If your U3A is running an online course or presentation, you might like to open it up to include members of other U3As by sending your course details to aso@u3avictoria.org.au.